Green and innovative sound absorbing materials
Francesco Martellotta is Full Professor in Building physics and building energy systems at the Department of Architecture, Construction and Design at Politecnico di Bari, Italy. His research interests include room acoustics, acoustic measurement techniques, thermo-acoustic characterization of materials, numerical simulation methods. He contributed to secure and manage several fundings within public competitive financing programs, with particular reference, in the last years, to the use of recycled waste to make sustainable sound absorbers and thermal insulating materials. He is author/co-author of more than 100 scientific papers, nearly half of them published in peer-reviewed journals, three books, including “Worship, acoustics, and architecture” summarizing several years of research on church acoustics. Since 2016 he serves as Associate Editor of the Journal of Acoustical Society of America. He is full member of the Italian Acoustical Association (where he is also member of the steering committee), of the Audio Engineering Society and of the Acoustical Society of America.